January 1, 1524
Today is finally the day. The day I set sail to find a route to Asia by passing the New World. I have gathered and accumulated much knowledge from John Cabot and explorers that went before me. I formulated my own voyage and route based upon what I have learned. I had to gain financial support in order for me to embark on my voyage. Last year I had letters sent to a group of Florentine bankers and merchants to organize financial support for my voyage. These backers were very interested in finding silk from Asia for their textile factories in Lyon, so they greatly supported my voyage.
Having gained much support for my voyage, all I had left to do was get the support of King Francois I. I informed him of my plans and he agreed to support me on my voyage. I plan to report directly to the king on the return voyage. Now, after finally getting everything I need for my journey I have never felt more prepared. In a few hours we will depart from France with a fleet of four ships. I have good hopes for this voyage.